The Official YAML Web Site
- YAML(tm) is an international collaboration to make a data serialization language which is both human readable and computationally powerful.
YAML Ain't Markup Language
YAML - Wikipedia
- YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) is a human-readable data serialization language. It is commonly used for configuration files, but could be used in many applications where data is being stored (e.g. debugging output) or transmitted (e.g. document headers). YAML targets many of the same communications applications as XML but has a more minimal syntax which intentionally breaks compatibility with SGML. It uses both Python-style indentation to indicate nesting, and a more compact format that uses [] for lists and {} for maps making YAML 1.2 a superset of JSON.
- YAML是“YAML不是一种记语言”的外语缩写(见前方参考资料原文内容);但为了强调这种语言以数据做为中心,而不是以置标语言为重点,而用返璞词重新命名。它是一种直观的能够被电脑识别的数据序列化格式,是一个可读性高并且容易被人类阅读,容易和脚本语言交互,用来表达资料序列的编程语言。它是类似于标准通用标记语言的子集XML的数据描述语言,语法比XML简单很多。